Let it be a mystery !!!

I hardly remember your face but I remember you. I don't remember what you said but I remember your voice. I hardly know you but I understand you. It is true that  I have found you but I feel I never lost you.

You were always there, like the wind, sun and water. I could feel your presence but could not talk to you. You were there like future. I knew that I will get to see but just could not forward the time. It is not that I was waiting for you, I was just living , but I knew that life has something which is yet to come.

No ! I don't expect anything from you. For me knowing you better ,seeing you finally and refreshing my memories is enough . I believed in my dreams and you have made my dreams true. I always believed in the beauty of life and you just came and proved me right.

I might be stupid ,silly or wrong but I know you are not different from me. We both belong to the same world. We just knew it through our dreams ,through those mysteries of world which we keep on trying to solve.

Sometimes , Life keeps the best reserved for the worst time . Destiny , stars and time finally gave a nod. They showed your existence  to tell me that this is not the end.

I don't know if it is  destiny or imagination or something else. For me , it is life. It is a  treasure which I will keep safe till the end of time. The unspoken truth is always the purest of all.

 Let it be a dream !

 Let it be my imagination !

Let it be a mystery ! I don't want to loose you now when I have found you.

Let me love you the way I used to.

Let it be Love my love !


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