It was you who left me and I am fine with it !

Dear Ex, I am still not able to figure out what went wrong between us. We loved each other and wanted to be together but we are not ! Is it life, destiny, you or me ? The last time we spoke about us was the best ever conversation we ever had. You told you will admit among all that you are the culprit so that nobody would blame me for leaving you. You told me to find a partner for myself before its too late. You told me to forget the good time spent together and focus on the relationship which had turned sour. You told that we were not made for each other and so we should not be together. I am writing this letter to Thank you ! To tell you that I don't have any problem in telling the world that it was your decision to leave me. Thanks for making me understand that we were not made for each other because that only made me realize that I am not made for anybody. I am here to live my own life ! Thanks for ma...