It is my life and it will be my way only.

"It is fine if you don't like the way I am. I never complained about it . Well ! If you want to change me ,let me tell you it is not going to happen". I really liked the way the girl in blue denim was saying these lines to her boyfriend or friend in CCD the other day. I actually found solace in her words. The weird thing is, we all criticize each other but while judging others, we often forget that they would also find something in us to criticize because as a matter of fact, nobody is perfect and everybody has a natural tendency and talent to judge and criticize. I had some friends who used to tell me how bad I am when it comes to social etiquette. I don't behave good. I have got some attitude problem. I don't wish. I don't respect people. The most recent in this chain was from one of my colleagues .To quote him " don't think yourself as an angel " and that is all because I cannot act happy and well when I am not. When I am having migrai...